Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Case For Condi

 5 Reasons Condi would make a GREAT President

1.  Experience - Former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State...a little bit more than a community organizer I might say.
2.  Intelligence - She obviously has it, but if she would release her college transcripts we could compare them to Obama (if he would release his college transcripts)
3.  Humility - Watch the video below when she is asked if she would like to run for president...its a far cry from Obama's statement of "We are the ones we've been waiting for"  watch that clip
4.  The TR factor - TR as in Teddy Roosevelt.  I believe her foreign policy would be very reminiscent of TR's "speak softly, but carry a big stick".  Her vast foreign affairs experience makes her perfect for dealing with the new dynamics of Pakistan and other issues in the region. 
5.  Freshness - She has not been mixing it up or been a major pundit on FoxNews getting her hands dirty in the daily political fray like Sarah Palin.  The newness of her makes her appealing to moderates.  Unless she gets her own reality show on TLC, then you can count her out. 

Remember, that no one really knew much about Barack Obama back in 2007 or even that he was a major contender for the White House.  The Republican field is wide open and I believe the time is right for a President Condoleezza Rice.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Nothing Liberal About It

Abbotabad, Pakistan - From what we have all learned from the capture and death of Bin Laden, you should ask yourself one fundamental question:  What were the key components that made all of this possible?  Here are the three main reasons:
     1.  The operation began from a US military base in Afghanistan.  That's right, the same place where liberals have, for years now, said we should not be.  If there was not a U.S. presence in Afghanistan, there would have been ZERO chance of getting boots on the ground to get the positive ID of Bin Laden.  Hence, the operation to get UBL would never have taken place.
     2.  The critical intelligence needed to zero in on Bin Laden was thanks to information gathered from, prepare yourself liberals, harsh interrogation techniques...otherwise more popularly known in liberals circles as "torture".  The critical information was learned after water-boarding was used on a 9/11 mastermind known as KSM.  If liberals were in charge in 2007, when KSM was in custody, the information would not have been given up.  Hence, the operation to get UBL would never have taken place.  Maybe this is why President Obama has been slow to close Gitmo.  Perhaps he learned how much of an asset it is once he was passed the presidential reigns.  An email to Bill O'reilly on May 2 summed it perfectly,  to paraphrase:  "So it is NOT ok to water-board a captured terrorist, but it ok to shoot them in the face?" 
     3.  The willingness to act unilaterally.  That's right, the very thing liberals despise.  Liberals have absolutely vilified the previous administration when they were willing to act along and without the blessing of the international community and the UN.  The only reason this operation to get UBL was a success was because we acted alone and not with the so called precious international community.      

The decisions of President Obama, the work of our intelligence community and the heroic actions of our brave soldiers are to be praised to the highest level for this operation.  We only wish that President Obama would conduct all of his decisions in this fashion, instead of following his typical liberal path.  The above three examples were absolutely critical to the success of killing UBL, too bad liberals have spent most of their time condemning such ideas in the first place.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011 

Wanted. Dead or Alive. The answer is DEAD.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

News Flash: Liberals Now Support Freedom of Speech at Town Halls!

After last summer's health care bill town hall fiascoes, the liberals are now touting their support for the same behavior they so put down. Let me remind you how the situation last year played out, just in case you forgot: The Dems wanted to pass a health care bill, they took it home to their people, the people went NUTS!, yet they passed the bill I guess the libs should prepare themselves for this budget of Ryan's to pass anyway. We shall wait and see.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Viewerless MSNBC makes fun of Glenn Beck's ratings

If a tree falls on someone live on MSNBC, is there a viewer to see it?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Conservative Victory 2012

Let the Presidential Campaign of 2012 Begin!
     This weekend, President Obama kicked off his 2012 re-election bid with more of a pop, instead of a bang.  His 2 minute "Are You In" web ad has caused quite a stir throughout the media and blogosphere. 
Since Obama has now begun his road for a second term, KeithPriceIsRight is introducing a new segment.  It is called Conservative Landslide 2012.  The choice in 2012 is very clear.  America needs conservatism more than ever.  Not only do we have a great need for a return to conservative American basics, we also have a current administration that is actively pursuing policies that are opposite of those that would push us towards the path of economic recovery here at home and a stronger standing abroad.  It is time to return to a era of pride in our Constitution and American values.  Remember this classic moment from the Obama administration, only a couple days in?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Rapid Fire News Headlines

Rapid Fire #1 - Snooki out earns a Nobel Prize winner.  Is there any surprise to that?  This is the same country that elected Obama President with no real experience or practical qualifications.  And Obama's winning of the Nobel Peace Prize (especially now with Libyan War fiasco) doesn't exactly add any credibility or prestige to the whole Nobel thing.  Yahoo! article link

Rapid Fire #2 - Obama and Libya - In the most hypocritical moment in a generation, Obama does what he slammed Bush for doing.  Picture President Sarah Palin signing into action a bank bailout plan.

Rapid Fire #3 - Koran burning backlash - So some terrorists are upset at some people in Florida who expressed their right to freedom of speech.  So they attacked some Americans in Afghanistan.  Let's sit back and watch the left wing pundits blame the church in Florida.  Please remind me...were we burning Korans before 9/11?  Yet, radical Islam still crashed planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  As much as left wingers hate to admit it, it looks like the terrorists hate us for our freedoms.  They hate our freedom of speech, which includes burning any books we please.  Remind me long has the Arab street been burning our American flag?   Yahoo! article link

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rage of the Skinny Jeans!

London - To paraphrase the great Austin Powers:  "Only two things in the world scare me and nuclear war is one of them.  What is the other thing you ask?  A man in skinny jeans."  It was an unnatural combination that was just bursting at the seams, literally.  Is this what the left wing protesting machine has come to, using the power of the skinny jean?  This is similar to the desperation the Nazis exhibited towards the end WWII by using old men and young boys to fight the allied forces.  Maybe the guy in skinny jeans wouldn't have to worry about the government cutting off his welfare state if he actually wore clothes that made him look respectable enough to get a better paying job, or even a job in the first place so he could afford to pay his way through life.  It's like the hippies who protested during the 1960s because they felt that America wasn't listening to their concerns.  If you look like a caveman whose only concern is finding the next Bob Dylan concert or mooching a hit off of someone's doobie, you shouldn't expect the government to pay much attention to your needs as a citizen.  Sorry, but that's just how the real world works.  The real world doesn't bow down at your every need.  Looking like a dope slacker may be cool in college, but on the day of your first job interview, I suggest a wardrobe change.  I thought it was JFK, the great Democrat hero, that once urged us to ask not what the country could do for us, but what we could do for our country.  This ain't my grandpa's Democrat party.        
     Skinny jeans aside, we once again have an example of how liberal thinking people and conservative thinking people differ, but you wouldn't know it by the media.  It would be refreshing if an NBC or a CBS or CNN differentiated between Tea Partiers and these liberal protesters, but I wouldn't hold my breath. In fact, homepage's major headlines at 2:40PM (CST) read:  "Woman says Libyan Forces Raped Her" and "Ferraro dies at 75"...MSNBC's headlines read:  "Libyan Rebels Take Key City in the East" and a rotating image montage to Ferraro.  The HuffingtonPost's headline reads:  "Gaddafi Retreats!" and wasn't giving any attention to the mass riots in London at that time, either.  Their headline this afternoon was about Ferraro as well.  But the site that takes the prize with the least coverage, goes to  Not only are the riots not making headlines, it doesn't even make the dozen plus list of "hot topics" links.  But have no fear, all the above listed news sources are wasting no time telling you of the progress being made by the "we may know on Monday what we are doing there" mission in Libya.
     So I ask the media:  If you call the Tea Party dangerous and violent, what do you call the liberal protests in the UK?  It if obvious that the media approves the liberal agenda behind the violent protests in London, while they disagree with the agenda of the Tea Party.  Prediction:  The media will use a 'wait and see' approach with these protests in London because they won't wan to "cast judgement".  However, when a shooting takes place, the media jumps on suggesting that it was a right winger.  Just ask yourself:  What if Saturday's protesters were part of the tea party rioting for lower taxes?

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let's lose "Lose Your Excuse"

     Nonstop on the radio and television our tax dollars are being used by the federal government to tell us to "Lose your excuse".  Link to the government page (if you care to waster YOUR energy going there)  The federal government is actually the one wasting energy, time and money telling us to unplug cell phone chargers, for example, while they are not being used.  And for what?  Studies show that by doing so, it would only be saving a matter of cents a month.  More energy would be required for me to kneel down and unplug it than the energy used to just keep it plugged in.  Energy that I could better put to use at my job, which would make me more productive, would make me a more valuable employee, which would help me secure my job, which would help keep my paychecks coming, which then could be spent into the economy, which would help the economy grow, which would then help create more jobs.  So in reality, the "Lose your excuse" campaign is actually harming the economy and job growth.  That analogy is no less believable than President Obama's claim of how his policies have "saved" jobs. 
     On top of the fact that unplugging our cell phone chargers is a complete waste of time,  what business does the government have to tell us how we should live our lives.  I actually have no problem with the promotion of a healthy life choices, but maybe we should reassess our priorities a bit.  How about a "lose your excuse" campaign to help fight abortion?  That makes much more sense.  Women should "lose their excuse" when it comes to killing the unborn.  Excuses like, "I'm not ready to be a parent", or "it costs too much money", or "it will ruin my body", or "it will be born with special needs", or "it will only grow up in poverty", or my personal favorite (courtesy of Barack Obama) "I don't want my daughter to be punished with a child".
     So as far as losing my excuse about why I don't unplug my phone charger, I say "no thanks".  I don't need to "lose my excuse".  In fact, I don't need an excuse at all.  So in reality, there is nothing to lose at all.  Except my sanity in the thought of it all.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Suddenly, Iran Gets Sensitive?

 Article Link  The country of Iran is threatening to boycott the 2012 games because they feel the logo (above) is racist.  Apparently, when they look at it, they see the word "Zion".  That is quite the revelation from a nation that still practices the stoning of women for committing adultery.  Alternative logo suggestion?  An image of the prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Prank, Pizza and Politics

Prank:  Liberals are all excited about a prank phone call to Gov. Walker...I think the last time I got excited about a prank phone call, I was in the 4th grade.  Liberal pundits think this is some kind of smoking gun.  Gov. Walker said in the phone call that he wants to bust up public service that news?  That is obviously what is trying to do.  No scandal there.  Libs also think that the fact that he gave 20 minutes of his time to (who he thought was) a billionaire who donated the max to his campaign is somehow a sign that he is in the pocket of his donors and is an elitist.  Seriously?  I mean, who called who here?  So, you're tell me that if George Soros calls President Obama he wouldn't talk to him?  Every lib pundit that I hear comment on this, so called scandal, really has nothing of substance that came from this prank call.  I think they are just tickled at the fact that the Gov. was fooled in the first place.  To libs, I guess it's all a joke.  Article Link

Pizza Party:  A pizza joint in Madison, WI, called Ian's Pizza, is getting notoriety around the world because it has donated free pizza to the protesters in Wisconsin.  NPR did a feature on them.  The NPR radio story was slobbering all over this pizza place.  NPR was clearly showing its support for them, basically saying how neat it was that they were doing this.  This was not an opinion piece, it was a news piece.  The fact that tax payer sponsored NPR ran this bias story is only part of the story.  I wonder if Ian's Pizza allows their employees to partake in collective bargaining?  Do they pay their pizza delivery guys more than minimum wage?  They have every right to take a side in this issue, they are a privately funded company, but they are supporting the idea of using tax dollars to fund collective bargaining for public service unions while not providing it for their own workers?  If it is such a good idea, then why not have it for your own people?    Story Link   

KPIR says:  I'm not sure how this is all going to play out, but what I do know is that if Gov. Walker is wanting to be like Reagan, it doesn't look good for the unions.  Reagan said he would fire the Air Traffic Controllers, and he did.  Gov. Walker is threatening to do the same.  And the libs may be giddy about their prank phone call and democrats running out of state to avoid the vote, but are those really mature things to do?  You are not going to sway public opinion by acting like a someone in grade K.  (to refresh what it means to be a grade k'er, see my archived posts)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy (Bash Our) Presidents Day from Yahoo!

     Well happy President's Day everyone!  The day in which we celebrate the contributions of our Chief Executives past and current.  Right?  Wrong.  Apparently,'s homepage decided to have a story pop up front and center titled "Story behind the 'blackest name' in America."  Racial identity?  Conflict on slavery?  Really?  Do we need to go there?  Why not post a headline that reads "Happy President's Day...Remember that Jefferson Owned Slaves!"  It is no secret that I have a real problem with's constant liberal biased flash videos that appear on its site.  For example, during the month of February they have been running a black history month flash tribute that includes Harriet Tubman and Barack Obama.  However, on the 9th anniversay of the terror attacks of 9/11, they included zero such tribute.
     I'm not advocating for a dishonest discussion of American History, but the bias here is clear.  I promise on the next MLK jr Day you will not see Yahoo! running a homepage news story about how he was a complete womanizer.  It appears that American patriotism has been reduced in the mainstream media to reflect that of intolerance and hatred.  Liberals believe that to bash America is just another way to declare how faithful of a liberal you are...sort of like chaining yourself to a tree so a bulldozer can't knock it it down.
     On this President's day of 2011, let us remember the honor of the office and the great symbol and strength that it represents to us and around the world.  How about a tribute Yahoo?  Maybe next time.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Donkeys on the Run!

MADISON, Wis. – Democrats on the run in Wisconsin avoided state troopers Friday and threatened to stay in hiding for weeks, potentially paralyzing the state government in a standoff with majority Republicans over union rights for public employees.  article link

KPIR says:  Typically, a headline that reads "Democrats plan to stay away for weeks" sounds wonderful, but this just brings shame to our entire system of democracy.  First of all, could you image if these were republicans leaving the state to avoid bringing the bill to a vote?  Remember how the media always seemed to slam republicans when they all voted in sync against the health care bill in congress?  The media and democrats demonized them because they were acting in such a partisan way.  FLASHBACK:  Bill Clinton rips on republicans for being 'obstructionists' against health care reform. (Huffingtonpost Article)  At least republicans show up to vote instead of running away.  If you think about it, this is normal...democrats are used to running away from being present during a vote...just look at President Obama.  FLASHBACK:  The "present" votes of Barack Obama.(Real Clear Politics Article)  The democrats in Wisconsin are probably just preparing their resume for a 2012 presidential run.  Abstaining from voting in congress worked for Obama in the Illinois General Assembly.  I guess the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree...but far enough away from Wisconsin State Troopers, apparently.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

You want us to WHAT?

(Reuters) - "Iraq's capital wants the United States to apologize and pay $1 billion for the damage done to the city not by bombs but by blast walls and Humvees since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein."
Article Link
 KPIR says:  Here is a proposition for you:  we'll pay for guys pay for our dead soldiers who sacrificed their lives for your freedom.  Where have you gone liberals like LBJ?  When France wanted our military out of their country because of Vietnam, he said, "if you want our military bases out, we want our dead soldiers dug up from Normandy and brought home."  I'm sure President Obama will hand over a blank check.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Leave it to Bieber

Hot off the presses:  "Canadian pop star Justin Bieber says he will never become an U.S. citizen because of the America’s health-care system.
“You guys are evil,” he jokingly tells Vanessa Grigoriadis in an upcoming interview with Rolling Stone. “Canada’s the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don’t need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you’re broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard’s baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby’s premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home.”  "  Article Link

KPIR says:  Really?  I wonder how popular he would be if "evil" America didn't support him?  "Canada is the best country in the world?"  Really?  I thought Canada was our 51st state?  Maybe Obama was counting Canada when he said he visited all 57 States.  I would support ObamaCare if it meant that it would cure the world of its Bieber Fever.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Today in Headlines: Gitmo Meets Berkely and other musings!

BERKELEY, Calif. – "The Berkeley, Calif., City Council is considering a measure that would welcome freed Guantanamo Bay detainees to resettle in the college town".  Article Link
     -KPIR says:  Really?  Go for it Berkeley!  It's amazing how liberals think that Muslim Extremists will love them...the reality is, they will probably want to kill you.  If I was a Gitmo detainee, I would rather stay in Gitmo.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) -- "Missouri lawmakers endorsed measures Tuesday that could resurrect a requirement for voters to show government-issued photo identification in order to cast ballots."  Article Link
     -KPIR says:  What is wrong with this you ask?  Nothing, but for some reason liberals will protest law like this.  They think that asking someone for photo proof of who you are actually disenfranchises people.  The truth is, laws like this only uphold the sanctity of the vote.  This is a proactive attempt to prevent voter fraud...while liberals only care about combating voter fraud AFTER the first vote count doesn't end up in their favor.  Hopefully, Missouri will become the "Show Me" your ID State.

WASHINGTON – "The Senate on Tuesday voted to extend for 90 days the legal life of three post-Sept. 11 terrorism-fighting measures, including the use of roving wiretaps, that are set to expire at the end of the month." Article Link
     -KPIR says:  They voted in the U.S. Senate 86-12.  Why do these not equal to 100?  Who were the two to abstain?  Who ever they were, look for them to run for president in 2012 under the mantra of CHANGE and YES WE CAN.  Seriously, the Senate voted 86-12.  The Democratically controlled Senate voted to extend the Patriot Act.  Did I mention it was 86-12?  Talk about bi-partisan support.  Apparently, George W. Bush got this one right.  Who knew?

Apparently, the secret recipe for Coke has been discovered.  I wonder if WikiLeaks had anything to do with it.  I find it strange that Coke has been able to keep information secret better than the Obama Administration.  Maybe Obama should make the CEO of Coke the "Secrets Czar" or something unconstitutional like that.  Article Link

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

You're Welcome Egypt

     Let me see...this is just like I have been predicting.....and the events in Egypt very well may help solidify the legacy of GW Bush.  See, that is a prime example of how you can not judge a current president, or even a recently departed one, simply by their approval ratings (not helped by the left wing media mind you) at the end of GW's you really think that democracy would be spreading in Egypt, Tunsia, and now the street protests happening in Iran, if GW Bush had not pushed for democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq?  If bush had left when the going got tough, terrorism would be king in Iraq, but its not.....there is democracy.....and now we have a foothold in two crucial parts in the middle east.....and President Obama wants to pull our military out?  The liberty loving folks over in the middle east are sustained by our presence, whether libs like it or not.....and like Ann Coulter said in her CPAC speech, "it's amazing how liberals finally love democracy in the middle east now."  So Mr. Liberal, regardless of  whether you think bush is a war criminal or not, (here is a hint: he is not)...there IS democracy spreading in the middle east and only Obama can mess it up now.....if he pulls a Jimmy Carter and fails to back the democratic side of the street protests, the region will be worse off.  If he pushes for democracy, like Bush did his ENTIRE presidency, Obama and Bush will go down in history like JFK and Reagan did.  Two different presidents, two different political parties, but with one goal in mind "spreading democracy by ending tyranny.".........the difference is though, you didn't hear Reagan running against JFK's push against tyranny (communism)......while you have Obama who still runs against Bush's record.  If Obama really wants to be like The Gipper, he better start acting like him and give respect to policies of the Bush Administration.  But as for now, Reagan, Obama is not.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quick News Headlines

1.  Move over Michael Savage...apparently, the UK has banned the Koran burning pastor from visiting...will they also ban the Muslims who rioted in the streets  after those Muhammad cartoons? link

2. Lots of talk of increasing gun control due to the Arizona shooting...maybe they should ban guns on airplanes, maybe that would have prevented the 9/11 hijackings...oh wait, guns were already they used box cutters...never mind.  In this video, Lawrence O'donnell blames the gun for the shooting:  video (you tube)

3.  Iran Nuke Diplomacy?  How long?  I'll tell you how long we will use diplomacy with Iran in regards to its nuclear program:  until they get a nuke, and then we will stop using diplomacy.  We should just give them one and get it over with.  article link

4.  News in the "Crosshairs".  CNN's John King apologizes because the word "crosshairs" was used on his show.  If it makes him feel any better, no one was watching anyway.  I wonder if President Obama will remember his call for civility during his 2012 re-election campaign?  So now I also assume that the media will concede to the idea that sex on television influences teenage sexual behavior?  Probably not. John King apologizes (video link)

5.  Time Magazine loves them some communists:  (article:  Why China Does Capitalism Better Than the U.S.)  I'm sorry, but an essential component of true capitalism is freedom...something China needs to work on, I might say.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011