Thursday, February 24, 2011

Prank, Pizza and Politics

Prank:  Liberals are all excited about a prank phone call to Gov. Walker...I think the last time I got excited about a prank phone call, I was in the 4th grade.  Liberal pundits think this is some kind of smoking gun.  Gov. Walker said in the phone call that he wants to bust up public service that news?  That is obviously what is trying to do.  No scandal there.  Libs also think that the fact that he gave 20 minutes of his time to (who he thought was) a billionaire who donated the max to his campaign is somehow a sign that he is in the pocket of his donors and is an elitist.  Seriously?  I mean, who called who here?  So, you're tell me that if George Soros calls President Obama he wouldn't talk to him?  Every lib pundit that I hear comment on this, so called scandal, really has nothing of substance that came from this prank call.  I think they are just tickled at the fact that the Gov. was fooled in the first place.  To libs, I guess it's all a joke.  Article Link

Pizza Party:  A pizza joint in Madison, WI, called Ian's Pizza, is getting notoriety around the world because it has donated free pizza to the protesters in Wisconsin.  NPR did a feature on them.  The NPR radio story was slobbering all over this pizza place.  NPR was clearly showing its support for them, basically saying how neat it was that they were doing this.  This was not an opinion piece, it was a news piece.  The fact that tax payer sponsored NPR ran this bias story is only part of the story.  I wonder if Ian's Pizza allows their employees to partake in collective bargaining?  Do they pay their pizza delivery guys more than minimum wage?  They have every right to take a side in this issue, they are a privately funded company, but they are supporting the idea of using tax dollars to fund collective bargaining for public service unions while not providing it for their own workers?  If it is such a good idea, then why not have it for your own people?    Story Link   

KPIR says:  I'm not sure how this is all going to play out, but what I do know is that if Gov. Walker is wanting to be like Reagan, it doesn't look good for the unions.  Reagan said he would fire the Air Traffic Controllers, and he did.  Gov. Walker is threatening to do the same.  And the libs may be giddy about their prank phone call and democrats running out of state to avoid the vote, but are those really mature things to do?  You are not going to sway public opinion by acting like a someone in grade K.  (to refresh what it means to be a grade k'er, see my archived posts)

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