Friday, December 17, 2010

Real Political Lies of the Year for 2010 recently announced its 2010 Political Lie of the Year.  What did they come up with?  The Republicans going around saying that the health care bill is a "government take over of health care".  Really?!  That is the biggest "lie" of the year?  Not if you ask a majority of the American people.  We the People, have rejected this bill hands down.  The Democrats failed to sell the bill to their constituents.  They lost the political debate and now the purchasing mandate has been found unconstitutional by the courts.  I argue that the saying that the republicans are lying about saying it is a govenment takeover is a lie in itself.  So congrats, Politifacts, you have lied about your biggest lie.  Ironic, really.
      How can saying "it is a government takeover" be a lie?  Well, unless you consider a multi-thousand page bill of regulations and mandates on the health care industry, not to be taking over anything.  Really, politifacts?
Well, to help set the record straight, Keith Price Is Right has created its own top 5 political lies of 2010.

5.  President Obama promising transparency (seriously, please explain to me how he has been transparent?)
4.  Democrats character attacks on the "witch" Christine O'Donnel. 
3.  Keith Olberman saying "there is no Ground Zero Mosque" (nice try)
2.  President Obama claiming that the health care bill (cost of a trillion dollars or more) will reduce the deficit
1.  Nancy Pelosi on election day saying "Our outlook to hold onto the House looks good" (one may call it saying what she had to say, but when you KNOW it's not true and you still say it, that is called a LIE)

Final thought of the year:  We learned a lot during this year about the last 10 years.  We learned that (according to Obama) the Bush tax cuts are good for an economy...who knew?!?  And, with Obama all but declaring victory in Iraq, the surge worked, so again, WAY TO GO BUSH!  I think the biggest lie of the decade was the hideous attacks on President Bush.  After two years of Obama, we still have Gitmo open for business and we have the most stringent searches of our privacy at the airports in the history of the TSA.  All of this UNDER OBAMA!!  So again, Bush era tactics towards terrorism have been continued for the most part and it has kept us safe...again, THANKS PRESIDENT BUSH.

Wecome 2011 and our system of Checks and Balances!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dancing with the Saudis

     Saudi Love!  This evening (Thursday, December 9, 2010) Countdown with Keith Olbermann featured a segment that discussed the effect of Hollywood on U.S.-Saudi relations.  So basically, Saudi Arabia is in love with David Letterman, Al Franken, and Desperate Housewives.  Keith Olbermann's spin on it was "Hollywood has done more for US-Saudi relations than George Bush ever could ".  Let me get this right...Keith-O is bragging that liberal shows are popular in Saudi Arabia.
     First of all, that is scary, because America is NOTHING like the images that Hollywood projects.  Libs love to say that the 'Leave it to Beaver' persona was a big joke and never existed.  Their response?  Do a 180 degree turn from the 'Leave it to Beaver' type shows to the sex and violence filled shows of Hollywood today (like Desperate Housewives), which is a big joke and is a persona that doesn't exist in real life.  We have to remember here though, that liberals don't really live in reality.  Hollywood, if you think about it, actually portrays America in a very embarrassing way.  So, Saudi Arabia is falling in love with a false image of America.  The violence on evening American TV makes Achmed the Saudi terrorist look like Captain Kangaroo.
     Second, it is no secret (thanks to Wiki-leaks) that Saudi is a major fundraiser for terrorism, both financially and in recruitment.  Libs love to point out that most of the hijackers of 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia so we should actually be invading them instead of Iraq or Afghanistan.  Saudi Arabia breeds terrorists, oppresses women, and has one of the few remaining 100% absolute monarchs in the world....and Keith O is proud that those people LOVE liberal shows like David Letterman.

     Facts:  David Letterman hates George W. Bush....terrorists hate George W. Bush.....Saudi Arabia loves their terrorists....Saudi Arabia loves David Letterman.  Sort the meaning of that one for yourselves.

     So if this 'real terrorist nation', as libs love to profess, agrees with people like Al Franken and David Letterman, maybe its because they both blame America first for the world's problems.  Liberal Hollywood should actually be ashamed and embarrassed that Saudi people like their shows, but when is the last time Hollywood has been embarrassed about anything.  I'm pretty sure that Bin Laden is sitting in some cave right now watching 'Coutdown with Keith Olbermann' enjoying that show, too.  Agreeing with everything Keith-O is saying as well.  WWBLW?  (What Would Bin Laden Watch?)  
    How about giving credit to shows that terrorists HATE!  I certainly would want no part of a show that was popular in a nation that imprisons women for riding in a car with a man that isn't her husband.  I wonder how popular Glenn Beck is with terroists?

Copyright Keith Price Is Right 2011

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


If there is one thing that the Wikileak fiasco has proven is that our current president of the United States is one weak cookie.  How is it that our airports have become ground zero for pat down security, but some pip squeak foreigner has single handily embarrassed our nation's state of secrecy as our president publicly voices little outrage.  I thought he was looking for "someone's ass to kick"?  It seems that our current administration sees no problem with labeling former veterans as "likely potential" domestic terrorists, but balks at the idea of calling Muslim extremists what they are:  terrorists.
I think it is a pretty safe bet that if President Obama was still a community organizer or a college law professor, he would see no problem with the idea of a foreigner publicizing hundreds of thousands of secret and classified government cables.  So it is no wonder why our government, under the direction of President Obama, has done very little to prevent uber terrorist dweeb Assange from doing what he is doing with his site Wikileaks.
It is obvious that President Obama is against the idea of the government keeping secrets.  On his very first day in office he signed an executive order that basically changed the way that government secrets would be handled.  His order stated that the burden of secrecy was on the government to prove the need of secrecy, NOT on those who were seeking to de-classify documents.  So basically instead of a document being secret until being proven otherwise, a document would now open to the public until proven to be secret.  It placed a greater burden on the government to prove the need of secrecy compared to the previous policy of the public needing to prove the case of why a document needed to be made public.
President Obama and his liberal base see no problem with the openess of our secrets.  See, that is the nature of liberals:  no borders, no secrets, no rich people, no poor people...spread the wealth around, and our nation's secrets.
Copyright Keith Price Is Right 2011