Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dancing with the Saudis

     Saudi Love!  This evening (Thursday, December 9, 2010) Countdown with Keith Olbermann featured a segment that discussed the effect of Hollywood on U.S.-Saudi relations.  So basically, Saudi Arabia is in love with David Letterman, Al Franken, and Desperate Housewives.  Keith Olbermann's spin on it was "Hollywood has done more for US-Saudi relations than George Bush ever could ".  Let me get this right...Keith-O is bragging that liberal shows are popular in Saudi Arabia.
     First of all, that is scary, because America is NOTHING like the images that Hollywood projects.  Libs love to say that the 'Leave it to Beaver' persona was a big joke and never existed.  Their response?  Do a 180 degree turn from the 'Leave it to Beaver' type shows to the sex and violence filled shows of Hollywood today (like Desperate Housewives), which is a big joke and is a persona that doesn't exist in real life.  We have to remember here though, that liberals don't really live in reality.  Hollywood, if you think about it, actually portrays America in a very embarrassing way.  So, Saudi Arabia is falling in love with a false image of America.  The violence on evening American TV makes Achmed the Saudi terrorist look like Captain Kangaroo.
     Second, it is no secret (thanks to Wiki-leaks) that Saudi is a major fundraiser for terrorism, both financially and in recruitment.  Libs love to point out that most of the hijackers of 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia so we should actually be invading them instead of Iraq or Afghanistan.  Saudi Arabia breeds terrorists, oppresses women, and has one of the few remaining 100% absolute monarchs in the world....and Keith O is proud that those people LOVE liberal shows like David Letterman.

     Facts:  David Letterman hates George W. Bush....terrorists hate George W. Bush.....Saudi Arabia loves their terrorists....Saudi Arabia loves David Letterman.  Sort the meaning of that one for yourselves.

     So if this 'real terrorist nation', as libs love to profess, agrees with people like Al Franken and David Letterman, maybe its because they both blame America first for the world's problems.  Liberal Hollywood should actually be ashamed and embarrassed that Saudi people like their shows, but when is the last time Hollywood has been embarrassed about anything.  I'm pretty sure that Bin Laden is sitting in some cave right now watching 'Coutdown with Keith Olbermann' enjoying that show, too.  Agreeing with everything Keith-O is saying as well.  WWBLW?  (What Would Bin Laden Watch?)  
    How about giving credit to shows that terrorists HATE!  I certainly would want no part of a show that was popular in a nation that imprisons women for riding in a car with a man that isn't her husband.  I wonder how popular Glenn Beck is with terroists?

Copyright Keith Price Is Right 2011

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