Sunday, October 24, 2010


     For the second time this week I've seen a car with the Coexist bumper sticker on it.  Both times there was also an Obama/Biden sticker next to it.  At first glance and on the surface, the sticker appears to deliver a great message, however I would love to ask the person driving that car what their feelings are towards religion and Christianity, in particular.  I have a little theory that those people who use the Coexist bumper sticker or wear the t-shirt actually are anti-religious.  The entire "Coexist" movement is nothing more than a liberal attempt put all religions on the same level and trick people who see you sporting it to actually think that you believe in promoting or treating all religions equally.  In reality, most people who display the Coexist statement are really saying that religion is practiced by stupid people and since there is no outlawing of religions, then the best they can do is hope that we all get along. 
      If you do a yahoo! search for "Coexist bumper sticker", the site that comes up number one is called "Stamp and Shout - Liberal Political t-shirts, bumper stickers, car magnets, and more".  According to the, those unaffiliated with any particular religion voted FOR Senator Obama by a margin of 75-23%!  Make no mistake about it, the nonreligious voted for Obama by an overwhelming majority.  According to the same Pewforum poll, that was an 8 point increase from the 2004 presidential election.  It was the single biggest gain of any religion related group.      
     This week's column is not an attempt to claim that one religion is superior to any other.  My point is to call out those who claim to want religions to "coexist" when their actual agenda is to bring down organized religion altogether.  Beware of any liberal who claims to want everyone to be equal.  In reality, they want only people with liberal beliefs to be treated equal and conservative views can take a hike.  If asked, most "coexist" supporters probably really want all religious people to coexist on their own little island somewhere in the Pacific.

copyright Keith Price Is Right 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All they need to know, they learned in Kindergarten.

   I have long been saying that all of what a liberal knows, they learned in Kindergarten.  The label I give to such liberals is "Grader K'ers".  It is a reflection upon that popular saying and a poster that often appears in Kindergarten classrooms.  The idea is that everything you needed to know, you learned in Kindergarten.  A cute little poster or desk calendar makes for a nice laugh or a Christmas gift for a teacher (if you're even allowed to call it a Christmas gift anymore in schools).  Liberals have, however, taken it a bit past the ha ha funny little joke that it is.  Liberals have pretty much adopted that as the foundation of their philosophy of how the world should be.
   It doesn't matter if you're talking about the economy, war, foreign relations, the environment, or (of course) public education, liberals act as if they are dealing with a bunch of kids in a kindergarten classroom.  (Bill Maher would say that we are as dumb as Kindergartners)  At the root of this mind set is the belief that if little Joey gets to play with the toy, then so does little Jenny.  They subscribe to the idea that everyone gets an equal turn and everything must be shared.  Again, this is great for 5 year olds, but not for building a strong and sustainable economic policy, solving terrorism, reforming health care, or dealing with an Iran or North Korea.
   This weeks "Grade K Award" goes to (drum roll please).....Whoopie Goldberg for her comments and behavior on the View with guest Bill O'reilly (I think Joy Bahar needs a lesson on how to treat a guest).  Whoopie gets it for two reasons. 1.As soon as she disagreed with Mr. O'reilly, she dropped dropped some sassy language, stomped her feet and left the room (like any good 5 year old).  AND  2.  Whoopie screamed out, in reaction to O'reilly's statement that Muslims attacked on 9/11, "What religion was McVeigh"  (feel free to jump to 4:35 of this linked video so you can avoid listening to anymore Bahar than necessary).  Once again, a liberal tries to say that just because something is the case with one group of people that it also must equally be the case with every other group of people.  In this episode, Whoopie argues that because there are Muslim extremists she must also remind us that there are also Christian extremists.  Excuse me?  I don't remember hearing any story of Tim McVeigh screaming "All praise to Jesus Christ" or reciting the Lord's prayer as he drove away from the Oklahoma City Federal building.
   The idea of the separation of Church and State has become so embedded into our society that we have confused it with the idea that religion should be avoided in our society.  It has reached an absurd level.   The last two generations of Americans have been bombarded with religious political correctness.  Our new secular society teaches us that no Christmas trees at city hall unless there is also a poster that describes what atheism is.  That every religion, regardless of support or numbers of worshipers in a society, must get equal playing time or no religion gets any playing time at all.    If that isn't enough PC to make you sick, we now have to hear Whoopie claim that all religions should be given equal treatment in their extremists.   Again, a grade K mindset.  For example, if little Ahmed can't pray towards Mecca, then little Jane doesn't get to say Under God with the pledge.  The only problem is, Christianity is often under attack while other religions are given a free pass by the ACLU.  Instead of allowing religion to play a crucial role in society like many people want it to, we have to bow at the alter of the anti-religious liberals who are using the ACLU to make religion (only Christianity) taboo in our country.  Our constitution was designed to keep the government out of religion, not religion out of the government.  If the people want their school children to say "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance, then "We the people" have that right.  School districts in Michigan have begun to recognize Ramadan as an official school holiday.  In a society where Christianity is being constantly pushed out of our public schools, Islam sure is finding a way into them.  This is, of course, perfectly acceptable.  Local school boards have these rights, unless they are from the Christian perspective.  But more notable is the fact that these things are happening AFTER 9/11.  Our nation is more tolerant and accepting than almost every nation on earth.  At a time when France is rejecting the rights of Muslim women to wear burqas in public, we get a bad wrap because we don't want a mosque built on ground zero.     
   In Kindergarten, everyone is praised and everyone is deemed a winner and always equal.  When you grow up (and become a conservative) you realize that is not the case in the real world. To claim that just because McVeigh happened to say he was a Christian you get equate that to the idea that terrorists used Islam as an excuse to attack the United States on 9/11 is outrageous.  People have been afraid to identify and address the issue of Islamic terrorism because they are scared of coming off as anti-Muslim.  And thus, 9 years after 9/11, Muslim terrorists are causing as much havoc and death as ever.  Unless our country is willing to throw away the claim that "all religions have extremists" the problem of international terrorism will never be solved.
   A liberals biggest enemy is the truth.  Notice that Whoopie didn't have any real response to the statement that "Muslims killed us on 9/11" except for the absurd connection between McVeigh and Christianity.

Copyright Keith Price Is Right 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Go ahead and say it: "It's Joe Biden's Seat"

by Keith Price

Apparently, Joe Biden AND President Obama are on the stump against Christine O'Donnell in Delaware. (  They only thing keeping Obama and Biden from calling this seat "Biden's Seat" is the fact that Scott Brown called out the Democrats in the Massachusetts Senate race for so calling it "Ted Kennedy's seat".  The Democrats do believe that they are entitled to this seat, but they will never come out and say it now.  Scott Brown's brilliant response was "this is not Kennedy's seat, it is the PEOPLE'S SEAT".  Democrats believe in the policy of entitlements so much that they think that Democrats are entitled to certain seats in Congress.    If this seat in Delaware is so in the bag for the Democrats, why waste the time?  If I was the "bearded Marxist" Coons, I would tell the President "thanks, but no thanks".  Obama's presence only spells good news for O'Donnell.  It was interesting to see that CNN pulled away from the Coons-O'Donnell debate to cover the rescue of the last miner from Chile.  It obviously wasn't going very good for Coons, otherwise CNN would have loved to see a Tea Party Candidate suffer on live TV.  The truth is, O'Donnell was more than winning the debate so CNN quickly pulled the plug and had the Chilean mine rescue as a scapegoat.  Give to O'Donnell.  Rush Limbaugh suggested that everyone give just one dollar to her campaign.  Good idea!  A dollar a day keeps the bearded Marxist away!

Copyright Keith Price Is Right 2010

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