Sunday, November 7, 2010

This Week in Grade K

     MSNBC's host Keith Olbermann was suspended by the network this week because he gave political donations to candidates and did not get permission from the network.  Rachel Maddow, who will probably inherit the 5 viewers from Keith's show (which in all honesty is 5 more than view my blog!), went on a rant about how Fox News hosts do this all the time.  This is why Rachel Maddow gets this week's Grade K award for being the liberal who most acts like a kid in kindergarten.  See, that is what a kid in grade K does.  Instead of owning up for the wrong that they did and taking responsibility for one's self, they point to the other kids in the class and say "he's doing it, too!"  People expect this type of behavior from grade k'ers, but not from adults.  It's time to grow up Rachel.
     No surprise, though.  Failure to take responsibility for your own actions is everything that a liberal is about.
                           watch Maddow's rant here which earned her this week's Grade K Award
Suspicion:  I suspect that MSNBC suspended Olbermann ONLY to draw attention to the fact that FoxNews hosts donated to candidates.  This is all just a sham by MSNBC.  They probably wanted to run a story about how Fox News hosts do this, but then they realized that Keith Olbermann also does it.  So, they couldn't run the story because Fox would have thrown it back in their faces and the whole thing would be a wash.  Instead, they decided to come out and suspend Olbermann, get everyone's attention, and then try and expose Fox News for doing what Keith does.  If you think about it, it makes perfect sense.  MSNBC gets ultra publicity AND gets to attack Fox News at the same time.  Just wait and see.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tea Time...Election Night Observations

*All times are Central Standard

-12:25.......Live Blogging ends for the night.......We'll have to see how it all shapes up with the news reports tomorrow.........Great night for conservatives and the Constitution......this is only the beginning, however.........the hard work begins on Jan. 3, 2011 with the new Congress and then again in the election of 2012!
-12:16...CNN....Anderson Cooper asked if he saw some pot brownies in the background at the Prop 19 rally......the reporter then said it was actually pot far the weirdest moment of the night.....CNN reports that the White House made a statement supporting the rejection of Prop 19.....far cry from Obama's college days....ok, cheap shot.  I wonder if Obama is smoking a cigarette right about now! 

-12:06....CNN addresses the impact that the election will have on social issues...pundits say:"Gay rights issues are off the table"....."don't ask don't tell will be up held"......Susan Malvo states that there was a record number of gay candidate this year."......they mentioned that in Iowa, where all 7 Iowa Supreme Court judges voted in favor of gay marriage.....3 of the 7 were up for retention.....all 3 of them were voted NOT to be retained.

-11:56...CNN announces that Prop 19 in California fails.....Pot is NOT legal in California...sorry Snoop Dogg, maybe next time....perhaps the stoners couldn't find their way to the polls!!!

-11:43.....MSNBC....Rachel Maddow claims that the Reid victory in Nevada is a HUGE setback for the GOP.....perhaps, BUT you're talking about the current Senate Majority leader...historically, I wonder when the last time a sitting Senate Majority leader lost their bid for re-election!?!?!  Any incumbent with that type of power would be hard to oust in any political climate....easy now Maddow....easy now.

-11:40...CNN Headline News....Joy Bahar just said that she thinks that POT should be surprise there....but may explain why MSNBC libs have the giggles tonight.
-11:35.....FoxNews....Brit Hume comments about how different this election map tonight would have looked if the Tea Party would have gone straight 3rd party.....he said it would have been devastating the Republicans.....excellent commentary, especially compared to what I'm hearing over on MSNBC which only wants to laugh at losing GOP candidates.

-11:25....MSNBC...R-Toomy defeats D-Sestak in PA!  yet another net gain for the GOP...!!
-11:18....FoxNews....Karl Rove comments on the fact that the Dems have a net gain of ZERO senate seats while the the GOP have a net gain of 6 senate spinning that stat.

-11:13....MSNBC....CALLS OBAMA'S EX SEAT TO GOP!!!  Way to go Kirk!  Illinois can go red!
-11:07.....MSNBC.....tries to downplay the tea party influence....really!?!?  Chris Matthews calls Chris Coons (Deleware Senate winner) the "luckiest man".....punidit also says on MSNBC that the "tea party has prevented the Republicans from having an even bigger night."  Again..really?!?  I don't think that the GOP would be where they are now if it weren't for the tea party....after 2008, the GOP was declared all but dead by the so called experts in the media.....the tea party brought conservatives back and thus the GOP came back......get a clue MSNBC.
-11:05....MSNBC.......Paladino concession speech is shown......pundits call it a "terrorist comment"....they call him "crazy and violent".....again, they laugh and laugh....nice to know they can laugh their way through their liberal losing ways in tonight's election results.......I wonder how they will act in 2012?
-10:46....FoxNew.......Boehner cries during speech......think I'll turn to MSNBC to see if they laugh at him for it.....
-10:41....FoxNews....future speaker of the House Boehner (Ohio) says, "this is not time to celebrate", a far cry from 2008 when all we heard from Democrats about how great Obama is and how much we should celebrate our new president....nice to hear an elected official talk about a real plan for American instead of just talking about "Change, Change, Change"
-10:38....FoxNews....Chairman Steele holds up 2008 cover of Time magazine with the headline, "GOP, Endangered Species" quickly the tide changes!
-10:35....MSNBC.....Laughing gas must be in the air over there.....what they have to celebrate?  I don't know....must still be giddy over O'Donnell's defeat....they'll wake up tomorrow morning with a liberal headache.
-10:22....FoxNews....Karl Rove speaks....we listen!  Predicts that Southern Illinois will come through for Senatorial Candidate Kirk!!!!!!!!!!!!
-10:14....FoxNews....shows what the new blue state red state map of the US looks like based upon the new Republican House majority....have I ever told you that you look good in red America?
-10:05....CNN.....Gergen says "good for the women who have won tonight, its a good change for our country".......Spitzer then says, "yeah but some big name women have lost, like McMahan"....if I were Spitzer, I would keep my mouth shut when it comes to talking about women.
-9:50....MSNBC....Arianna Huffinton is on.....changing the channel.....
-9:49.....MSNBC reports that Kirk is up on Alexi!  28% of polling places left to report.
-9:40....NBC reports that Kirk vs Alexi for Obama's old Senate seat is 48-47 in favor of Alexi with 71% reporting.....victory in sight for Republicans!  Don't let us down southern Illinois!!
-9:36....NBC announces that Russ Feingold LOSES!  A minute earlier an NBC pundit remarked, "the projected Republican majority will not equal Pelosi's majority of the past couple years."  Talk about spin.
-9:10....Sarah Palin announced that her daughter Bristol Palin is safe in her vote in Dancing with the Stars....Fox News Alert!
-9:05....CNN Gergen says, "only 2 times in 60 years has an incumbent president lost the house".....yet another historic moment for President Obama!

-9:01....CNN reports that the Nevada Senate race is 48-47 in favor of Reid....developing....
-8:52....CNN reports on Illinois Senate race.....Alexi vs Kirk.....they report that Alexi is winning with about 1/2 the polls reporting...ACTUALLY this is pretty good news for Republican Kirk right now, becaue if Cook County has already reported their results, then Southern Illinois can still make a difference!......remember that during the 2004 and 2008 election that after only 1% of the polling places reporting their results, they were able to call the state for Obama...that 1%, of course, being Cook County (Chicago)....lets go downstate Illinois!....teach Chicago a lesson that they don't dictate the course for the entire state.
-8:50....CNN analyzes "anti-tea party" tweets in the "twittervse".....I think the media is looking to focus on anything but the new conservative majority in the House.  I'm speechless.....
-8:40.....MSNBC slams O'Donnell's concession speech........they are making Fox News look REALLY fair and balanced with their coverage.....
-8:35.....O'Donnell gives concession speech....MSNBC's Olberman says "Get your popcorn"....if an O'Donnell loss is all that the libs care about, then let them have it.....Conservatives will gladly take the country back, you can gloat all day about the this senate race.....while Conservatives have taken a huge step into putting this country back on the right track....

-8:21....CNN projects that the Republicans will take the House...earlier, Nancy Pelosi showed confidence in keeping the majority....reminded me of the famous Iraqi claim of "The US Army is no where near the airport!"  Will she admit it tomorrow??

-8:18...MSNBC...Ed Schultz says that Rand Paul "hangs out with the birthers every now and then".....the unhinging begins.....
-8:15 pm (CST) MSNBC claims that Rand Paul and Rand Paul alone has the power to create a world wide economic depression!!!  MSNBC = The Place for Fearful Politics!!  
-Early evening.....Rand Paul giving victory speech.....speaking of  the tea party wave and limited constitutional government and balanced budgets....sure beats the Al Franken's wave of comedic embarrassments.  
-Early evening....Blast from the pass.....Fox News has on Geraldine Ferraro and Sarah Palin.....
-Early evening.......Grayson much for the line "Republicans want you to die quickly!"  One less crazy man in the House.
-Early evening.......West VA Senate seat goes Democrat......makes taking the Senate tough if not impossible now....developing  
-Early evening.....MSNBC gloats over O'Donnell's loss in would have thought they won the Super Bowl...
-Early afternoon.......Yahoo! and Google homepages once again show liberal bias by NOT adding any voting flash animations to their websites!  Reason?  Simple....they know today is supposed to be a big day for they think that by ignoring the day's theme, then maybe people will forget to vote!  I wonder what their webpages looked like on election night 2008?  Oh this:
That was's homepage on election night 2008......why no midterm election animation?  I think it's obvious, as stated above.