Sunday, November 7, 2010

This Week in Grade K

     MSNBC's host Keith Olbermann was suspended by the network this week because he gave political donations to candidates and did not get permission from the network.  Rachel Maddow, who will probably inherit the 5 viewers from Keith's show (which in all honesty is 5 more than view my blog!), went on a rant about how Fox News hosts do this all the time.  This is why Rachel Maddow gets this week's Grade K award for being the liberal who most acts like a kid in kindergarten.  See, that is what a kid in grade K does.  Instead of owning up for the wrong that they did and taking responsibility for one's self, they point to the other kids in the class and say "he's doing it, too!"  People expect this type of behavior from grade k'ers, but not from adults.  It's time to grow up Rachel.
     No surprise, though.  Failure to take responsibility for your own actions is everything that a liberal is about.
                           watch Maddow's rant here which earned her this week's Grade K Award
Suspicion:  I suspect that MSNBC suspended Olbermann ONLY to draw attention to the fact that FoxNews hosts donated to candidates.  This is all just a sham by MSNBC.  They probably wanted to run a story about how Fox News hosts do this, but then they realized that Keith Olbermann also does it.  So, they couldn't run the story because Fox would have thrown it back in their faces and the whole thing would be a wash.  Instead, they decided to come out and suspend Olbermann, get everyone's attention, and then try and expose Fox News for doing what Keith does.  If you think about it, it makes perfect sense.  MSNBC gets ultra publicity AND gets to attack Fox News at the same time.  Just wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. Update: Keith Olbermann reinstated...
    ........this only fuels my suspicion that the whole thing was a publicity stunt.
