Monday, February 14, 2011

You're Welcome Egypt

     Let me see...this is just like I have been predicting.....and the events in Egypt very well may help solidify the legacy of GW Bush.  See, that is a prime example of how you can not judge a current president, or even a recently departed one, simply by their approval ratings (not helped by the left wing media mind you) at the end of GW's you really think that democracy would be spreading in Egypt, Tunsia, and now the street protests happening in Iran, if GW Bush had not pushed for democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq?  If bush had left when the going got tough, terrorism would be king in Iraq, but its not.....there is democracy.....and now we have a foothold in two crucial parts in the middle east.....and President Obama wants to pull our military out?  The liberty loving folks over in the middle east are sustained by our presence, whether libs like it or not.....and like Ann Coulter said in her CPAC speech, "it's amazing how liberals finally love democracy in the middle east now."  So Mr. Liberal, regardless of  whether you think bush is a war criminal or not, (here is a hint: he is not)...there IS democracy spreading in the middle east and only Obama can mess it up now.....if he pulls a Jimmy Carter and fails to back the democratic side of the street protests, the region will be worse off.  If he pushes for democracy, like Bush did his ENTIRE presidency, Obama and Bush will go down in history like JFK and Reagan did.  Two different presidents, two different political parties, but with one goal in mind "spreading democracy by ending tyranny.".........the difference is though, you didn't hear Reagan running against JFK's push against tyranny (communism)......while you have Obama who still runs against Bush's record.  If Obama really wants to be like The Gipper, he better start acting like him and give respect to policies of the Bush Administration.  But as for now, Reagan, Obama is not.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011

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