Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let's lose "Lose Your Excuse"

     Nonstop on the radio and television our tax dollars are being used by the federal government to tell us to "Lose your excuse".  Link to the government page (if you care to waster YOUR energy going there)  The federal government is actually the one wasting energy, time and money telling us to unplug cell phone chargers, for example, while they are not being used.  And for what?  Studies show that by doing so, it would only be saving a matter of cents a month.  More energy would be required for me to kneel down and unplug it than the energy used to just keep it plugged in.  Energy that I could better put to use at my job, which would make me more productive, would make me a more valuable employee, which would help me secure my job, which would help keep my paychecks coming, which then could be spent into the economy, which would help the economy grow, which would then help create more jobs.  So in reality, the "Lose your excuse" campaign is actually harming the economy and job growth.  That analogy is no less believable than President Obama's claim of how his policies have "saved" jobs. 
     On top of the fact that unplugging our cell phone chargers is a complete waste of time,  what business does the government have to tell us how we should live our lives.  I actually have no problem with the promotion of a healthy life choices, but maybe we should reassess our priorities a bit.  How about a "lose your excuse" campaign to help fight abortion?  That makes much more sense.  Women should "lose their excuse" when it comes to killing the unborn.  Excuses like, "I'm not ready to be a parent", or "it costs too much money", or "it will ruin my body", or "it will be born with special needs", or "it will only grow up in poverty", or my personal favorite (courtesy of Barack Obama) "I don't want my daughter to be punished with a child".
     So as far as losing my excuse about why I don't unplug my phone charger, I say "no thanks".  I don't need to "lose my excuse".  In fact, I don't need an excuse at all.  So in reality, there is nothing to lose at all.  Except my sanity in the thought of it all.

Copyright KeithPriceIsRight 2011 

1 comment:

  1. So the government has no business telling us how we should live our lives, except when it comes to abortions. Got it.
