Saturday, April 2, 2011

Rapid Fire News Headlines

Rapid Fire #1 - Snooki out earns a Nobel Prize winner.  Is there any surprise to that?  This is the same country that elected Obama President with no real experience or practical qualifications.  And Obama's winning of the Nobel Peace Prize (especially now with Libyan War fiasco) doesn't exactly add any credibility or prestige to the whole Nobel thing.  Yahoo! article link

Rapid Fire #2 - Obama and Libya - In the most hypocritical moment in a generation, Obama does what he slammed Bush for doing.  Picture President Sarah Palin signing into action a bank bailout plan.

Rapid Fire #3 - Koran burning backlash - So some terrorists are upset at some people in Florida who expressed their right to freedom of speech.  So they attacked some Americans in Afghanistan.  Let's sit back and watch the left wing pundits blame the church in Florida.  Please remind me...were we burning Korans before 9/11?  Yet, radical Islam still crashed planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  As much as left wingers hate to admit it, it looks like the terrorists hate us for our freedoms.  They hate our freedom of speech, which includes burning any books we please.  Remind me long has the Arab street been burning our American flag?   Yahoo! article link

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