Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Case For Condi

 5 Reasons Condi would make a GREAT President

1.  Experience - Former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State...a little bit more than a community organizer I might say.
2.  Intelligence - She obviously has it, but if she would release her college transcripts we could compare them to Obama (if he would release his college transcripts)
3.  Humility - Watch the video below when she is asked if she would like to run for president...its a far cry from Obama's statement of "We are the ones we've been waiting for"  watch that clip
4.  The TR factor - TR as in Teddy Roosevelt.  I believe her foreign policy would be very reminiscent of TR's "speak softly, but carry a big stick".  Her vast foreign affairs experience makes her perfect for dealing with the new dynamics of Pakistan and other issues in the region. 
5.  Freshness - She has not been mixing it up or been a major pundit on FoxNews getting her hands dirty in the daily political fray like Sarah Palin.  The newness of her makes her appealing to moderates.  Unless she gets her own reality show on TLC, then you can count her out. 

Remember, that no one really knew much about Barack Obama back in 2007 or even that he was a major contender for the White House.  The Republican field is wide open and I believe the time is right for a President Condoleezza Rice.

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